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Rappahannock Hunt

Rappahannock Hunt is a 501(c)7 with territory is comprised of land in Rappahannock, Culpeper and Madison counties. The hunt’s territory is a mixture of mountains, rolling hills, and open fields. The territory is paneled with coops, log jumps and some old stone walls. We hunt coyote, red fox and grey fox.


Our Territory

Rappahannock Hunt's territory is comprised of land in Rappahannock, Culpeper and Madison counties. The hunt’s territory is a mixture of mountains, rolling hills, and open fields. The territory is paneled with coops and some old stone walls. The fixtures are full of astonishing views, jumps, and red and grey fox alike. We have even seen a hint of coyote or two. The territory is challenging but can be ridden with ease by the fairly fit horse and rider. â€‹

Our Membership

​The membership of the Rappahannock Hunt is as varied as its territory. We come from all walks of life, all ages and all areas. We welcome all who wish to ride with us and we are very thankful and indebted to the generosity of our landowners who make foxhunting possible.

Our Season

Our hunting season begins in September with autumn hunting and continues into the formal season at the end of October with the old, time honored tradition of Opening Meet and the Blessing of the Hounds.  We go out Wednesdays and Sundays from the beginning of September  through the month of March

Our Fields

Rappahannock Hunt is a small hunt with fields in the tens, not in the hundreds. Our territory is very challenging but very achievable for a fit horse and rider. We are considered a fast hunt and remain moving regardless of game. 


First field is walk, trot, canter, gallop and jumping required. Jumps consist of log jumps, stone walls, coops, hedges and more. 


Second field is walk, trot, canter, gallop and goes through gates. Members of the field may jump with permission from the field leader when time allows. 


Third field is primarily walk, trot with the occasional canter. Our field leaders remain cautious of the field's abilities and move at the pace most comfortable for the field that day. 

Our annual events include our Point-to-Point Race in March, our Fall Hunter Pace, Spring Hunter Pace, Summer Trail Rides, Chili Cook-Off, Hunt Ball and more. 


We invite you to come ride with us or attend any of our hunt functions. For information on any of the Rappahannock Hunt’s activities, please feel free to call our Masters or Honorary Secretary.

How to Get Involved

Guest are always welcome to join us at Rappahannock Hunt.  Email for permission to hunt. 


Our Trail Rides, Hunter Paces and other events are always open to the public and a great introduction to hunting. Check out our Events & Calendar Page for our upcoming events. 

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Hunt Monitor: 540.987.8957

PO Box 315, Sperryville, VA 22740

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