Upcoming Events
Check the Hunt Monitor for last minute changes before every event at 540.987.8957.
2024-2025 Hunt Season
Wednesdays and Sundays
Guest are always welcome with permission from the Honorary Hunt Secretary.
Check the Hunt Monitor for details and updates 540.987.8957
Permission to hunt can be granted by emailing rappahannockhuntsecretary@gmail.com
Point-to-Point Races
Saturday, March 1 at the Hill
13257 Durantes Curve, Boston, Virginia
Gates open at 10am | Post Time Noon
Hurdle, Timber, flat and pony races make for a great day of tailgating, Host your family, friends and clients at your premier parking space!
$10 General Admissions per person.
Tailgate Spots available for purchase.
Race entries through centralentry.com
Tulips & Tweeds Dinner Party
Saturday, March 29th, 2025
6:00pm - 10:00pm
Culpeper Country Club
2100 Country Club Rd, Culpeper, VA 22701
Open to All. Ticketed Dinner Event.​
DJ & Dancing with a Silent Auction.
Spring Cocktail Attire - Tweeds Encouraged for Gentleman
$125 per person
Please RSVP by March 20th

Closing Meet
Sunday, March 23rd TBD
Fixture and Time TBD
Join us for the last Hunt of the 2024-2025 season!
Check the Hunt Monitor at 540.987.8957
Standard cap fees apply for guest.
Email the Hunt Secretary for permission at rappahannockhuntsecretary@gmail.com
Spring Hunter Pace
April 12th, 2025 at Pine Rock
6553 Glebe Way, Reva, VA
Teams of 2-4 riders follow a set path through varying terrain. Riders aim to ride at the Pace in which the hunt would come through which is considered "optimum time." Closest to optimum time wins.​
Divisions: Jumping | Non-Jumping | Junior | Fast-Time Jumping
This Hunter Pace is apart of the Spring Point to Point Series through Central Entry.
Registration on www.centralentryoffice.com
Annual Meeting
Sunday, April 27th
Location and Time TBD
This is a member only meeting. The hunt will review the 2024-2025 season, discuss plans for the 2025-2026 season and vote on the potential new members. There is no cost for members, however participants may be asked to bring a dish.
Members only event.
Details soon to come via email.
Summer Trail Rides
Dates and Locations TBD
This is an easy walk-trot pace. Participants ride in a group and explore Rappahannock Hunt's incredible hunt territory.
Details soon to come.
Excellent opportunity for Green Horse and Green Rider Exposure.
Last minute changes are posted on the Hunt Monitor.